
 'Broken Certificate Chain' error message

The SSL certificate chain typically consists of:ROOT Certificate INTERMEDIATE Certificate...

 ASN1 bad tag value met. 0x8009310b

Question: I get CertEnroll::Cx509Enrollment::p_InstallResponse: ASN1 bad tag value met....

 Access Denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))


 Adobe Acrobat: Invalid policy constraint

Adobe Acrobat shows this error when S/MIME certificate has been used to digitally sign a PDF...

 An error has occured: [2011296] CSR is invalid

This error messgae is typically shown when the field "COMMON NAME" inside the CSR doesn't have a...

 Apache warning: server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

This warning may occur when the configured "ServerName" from apache does not exactly match the...

 COMODO PositiveSSL: idAuthority Credentials NOT available for this site

The message "idAuthority Credentials NOT available for this site" can occur with the COMODO or...

 Can i obtain a SSL certificate for a server with dynamic IP / DNS / DynDNS address? What about,, subdomains?

Yes, it is possible to obtain a SSL certificate for dynamic IP based servers. For mail...

 Can i redirect non-SNI capable web browsers to an alternative site?

YES, it's possible to redirect non-SNI capable browsers (Internet Explorer auf Windows XP). -...

 Code Signing: ErroCode:-13 ErrorMessage: Error during placing order

This error is displayed when the CSR key size is too small (e.g. 2048 bits). Please make sure...

 Common problems when using SSL certificates

Sure, here's the translation: Some common errors in using SSL certificates are: Expiration...

 DNS Auth / DNS validation via CNAME

For DNS validation a CNAME entry has to be added in your domains DNS settings.You can use the...

 Die Emails für die Domainvalidierung kommen nicht an

Bitte überprüfen Sie zunächst Ihren Spam Filter.  In seltenen Fällen kann die Emailzustellung...

 Error message "Your connection is not secure" on iOS respectivly iPhone or iPad

Your certificate might be of type RapidSSL or QuickSSL and likely has been issued before December...

 ErrorCode: -13 ErrorMessage: Error during placing order.

The following error code/message:ErrorCode: -13 ErrorMessage: Error during placing order.may...

 ErrorCode:-9009|Message:Vendor returns error:ErrorField:CSR|ErrorMessageThe common name in the CSR does not match the site's domain name

This error may occur when you are re-issuing a certificate and are using a different COMMON NAME...

 ErrorCode:-9009|Message:Vendor returns error:ErrorField:|CSR contains unsupported extensions.

This error may occur if you are using special characters in the password for CSR creation. If you...

 ErrorCode:-9009|Message:Vendor returns error:the value of the 'dcvemailaddresses' argument is invalid

This error may occur when you are trying to generate a SSL certificate for internal domain names...

 ErrorCode:-9009|Message:Vendor returns error:the value of the 'dcvemailaddresses' argument is invalid!

Dieser Fehler tritt manchmal bei Multidomain SSL Zertifikaten auf, nachdem Sie den CSR platziert...

 Exchange Server 2010 "The Certificate is Invalid for Exchange Server Usage" Error

This can occur when the certificate cannot be verified to a trusted certificate authority. To...

 GeoTrust/RapidSSL: Whats the meaning of the various certificate .CER files ?

ServerCertificate.cer = Certificate specifically for your domain / wildcardCACertificate-1.cer =...

 Google Webmaster Tools Meldung: "SSL-/TLS-Zertifikat enthält nicht den Domainnamen" oder "selbst-signiertes Zertifikat"

Beispiel Google Webmaster Tools Meldung:"Google hat festgestellt, dass im momentan auf...

 How can i revoke a Sectigo / Comodo SSL certificate ?

Please find Sectigo's tutorial...

 How can i test which SSL certificate is used by my remote desktop RDP server?

Mit Hilfe von openssl: openssl s_client -connect -prexit

 How do i obtain a .PFX or .P12 file to import the digital ID into Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird? SMIME S/MIME

COMODO is offering a tutorial that explains how to export the digital certificate from the...

 How to convert / use "CollectCCC" from Sectigo CPAC Basic, Pro and Enterprise into .p12 or .pfx S/MIME certificate

If a "CollectCCC" file is generated while picking up Sectigo S/MIME products, it corresponds to...

 How to create .well-known folder on Mac OS OSX Server ?

Edit this file: /Library/Server/Web/Config/Proxy/apache_serviceproxy.conf and comment out these...

 IIS/Exchange: wie kann ich den "Extra Download" im SSL Labs Test für "USERTrust RSA Certification Authority" verhindern?

In mmc.exe das Zertifikat Snap-In für "Lokaler Computer" hinzufügen. Dann bei "Vertrauenswürdigen...

 Is my X.509 certificate (.CRT) matching my private key and CSR files ? - OpenSSL commands for checking ...

You can use openssl to verify, wheter private-key, .CSR and .CRT are matching together: root@my...

 Microsoft Exchange server: which SSL to use? What about autodiscover. subdomain?

Symptom: internal access is working properly, but accessing with Outlook from remote locations is...

 Mobile / Android Devices are flagging the SSL certificate to be untrusted or insecure. - What can i do to fix this problem?

Android devices not recognizing your freshly installed SSL typically means you are missing the...

 PositiveSSL and VMware vCenter (Version 8+)

VMware vCenter (version 8+) does not accept SSL certificates with SHA-1 root. PositiveSSL...

 RapidSSL DCV Email kommt nicht an Support -> Chat


RevocationCheckFailure is a Windows specific error during SSL import. Official solution from...

 S/MIME Zertifikate Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Deutschland) bzw. Arbeitsagentur für verschlüsselte Email Kommunikation (Emailverschlüsselung, Verschlüsselung)

Die von InterSSL gelieferten CPAC Basic S/MIME Zertifikate werden von der Bundesagentur für...



 Sectigo / Comodo Code Signing stuck - Using correct Firefox version to make it work

ATTENTIONThis article is outdated. Please create CSR/KEY pair locally on your computer instead....

 Sophos SG and Sophos XG Firewall

While PositiveSSL works wonderfully on Sophos SG, customers on Sophos XG report problems with...

 Tax free orders for companies inside European Union by providing a valid EU VAT number (tax-free intra-community supply)

Companies located in the European Union are able to order tax free if they are providing a valid...

 What does " Vendor Status: Failed Security Review - Please contact your SSL provider" mean?

This is equivalent to "Pending Manual Review by CA". It means your SSL certificate has been...

 Windows/IIS/MMC: What do to with "Error HRESULT: 0x80070520"?

In very rare cases this error might show up during installation on Windows Server. The cryptic...